Pastor's Briefing: Loper-Bright and the Chevron Deference

For some workers, that could mean reassignment, as regulations that agencies enforce could be drastically altered. For constituents, it could mean the loss or restoration of much-needed support. 

Loper Bright v Raimondo (undoing the Chevron Deference)

Last month, the Supreme Court issued one of the most impactful decisions in recent memory. In Loper-Bright vs. Raimondo, the court struck down an earlier ruling that provided what came to be known as the Chevron Deference. The implications of this decision will affect virtually all Cabinet, sub-Cabinet, and other governmental agencies. Essentially, the Court ruled that government agencies are not free to interpret legislative ambiguities as they see fit. Those on the left and right have vastly different takes on this ruling precisely because it has such far-reaching implications. 

What God says. “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.  Leviticus 19:15 (ESV). Essentially, Leviticus is stating that our measures should be repeatable and trustworthy, not arbitrary.

What is good that requires encouragement? Congress only makes the laws, it does not enact them. That is the role of skilled civil servants who use their God-given gifts to serve the common good with their specific skill sets in public health (HHS), housing policy (HUD), environmental care (Interior), energy production (Energy), fiscal markets (Treasury), agriculture markets (Agriculture), education curriculum (Education), and many other specialties critical to the flourishing of the country. 

What is broken that needs restoration? Regardless of your perspective, this decision will have wide-ranging consequences. On the one hand, it will make it much harder for Presidents and their appointees to enact programs based on partisan agendas. On the other hand, it may have the unintended consequence of cutting off funding to places where it is helpful (but was not directed by legislative action). This means that legislation will have to be more carefully crafted and focused. 

What is missing that awaits creation? Congress will need to spend more time talking about particulars, and that will not be easy. It will be more difficult to pass legislation because the discussion of particulars would have sunk the bill. This means that a willingness to discuss, debate, and work across the aisle without fear of election cancellation will need to develop. 

What is evil that demands opposition? Using Cabinet agencies for partisan political virtue signaling harms constituents awaiting help from the individual agencies. The agencies’ decisions need to be steady and reliable. Further, political football games that constantly redefine goals as “good” and “bad” devalue the work of the long-suffering agency staff and frustrate the country’s flourishing by detracting from the difficult task of creating sustainable government programs that are both effective and efficient.

Who is impacted? Essentially, everyone in your congregation who works for or receives benefits from a government agency will be impacted. Some will be more impacted than others. For some workers, that could mean reassignment, as regulations that agencies enforce could be drastically altered. For constituents, it could mean the loss or restoration of much-needed support. 

Check in with your congregants who work in government agencies to help them continue to trust in God’s sovereignty as they pursue their work through uncertainty and change. Pray for the seemingly impossible fruit of cooperation from Congress. Encourage your flock to approach this, and the many political challenges we face, with prayer and grace.

The vision of Faithful Presence is to equip servants and leaders working in our nation’s capital to flourish as they participate in Christ’s mission of making all things new. Support this ministry and receive additional resources with a supporting subscription.